Tours To Uzbekistan

Badkhyz reserve

Published: 20 june 2013
  Badkhyz reserve is one of the most beautiful nature reserves in the south of Turkmenistan, located between the rivers Kushka and Tedjen, was created in 1941. The total area of the reserve is about 90,000 hectares.

  Badkhyz flora is rich and diverse. In this beautiful place there are such rare plants that belong only to this region. Many of them need special attention and protection, so they were listed into the Red book. Spring is the best time for visiting Badkhyz. At this season the mountain slopes and plains of the reserve are covered by flowering grasses. Poppies and tulips are the main decoration of this time of year. The mountain plains are covered by red color, produced during their blossom. Pistachio groves are the main attraction of Badkhyz Reserve.

  Unique Badkhyz reserve is famous for its kulans (steppe racers). There are also other rare animals: gazelles, leopards, foxes, hyenas, wild rams. Here you can also see larks, vultures, hoopoes.

  The famous Eroylanduz hollow is located in the southern part of the reserve Badkhyz. In the age of the dinosaurs here was plain with tropical vegetation. According to the findings of marine animals’ remains, later the sea was formed here, but it was dried up, so it gave birth to flora and fauna of Badkhyz reserve.

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